Seniors ensure a positive response

Cranbourne U3A member Pam Thoonen displays her colourful art work.Cranbourne U3A member Pam Thoonen displays her colourful art work.

THE Cranbourne U3A will showcase its work to coincide with Seniors Week this week.
A group for retirees of all ages, the U3A helps those out of work socialise, make friends and escape the isolation that can come from being away from companions or having lost loved ones.
Cranbourne U3A president Bev Wood said the group focused on the third age of life.
“It refers to a period of time after the first age, childhood dependency, and the second age, employment and parental responsibility” Mrs Wood said.
“The third age is active retirement and it doesn’t come at any particular age.”
Mrs Wood said most of the people in the U3A were in their 60s, with a range in their 30s and 40s right up to people in their 80s.
“People in the U3A don’t seem old because they are keeping active – both their mind and their body,” Mrs Wood said.
Groups meet regularly to participate in activities and various classes.
The U3A will showcase work made in those classes tomorrow (Friday) as part of the Ageing Positively in Casey Festival.
Calligraphy tutor Anne Thompson will also demonstrate the art of calligraphy on bookmarks.
Mrs Wood encouraged people who were thinking of joining the U3A to come along and see what the organisation was about.
Anyone who wants to go along can personalise either their or someone else’s name on a bookmark.
Members will also be involved in making and demonstrating how to make creative Christmas and birthday cards.
U3A information packs will also be available on the day.
To join costs $35 a year.
The showcase event will take place tomorrow from 9.30am to 4.30pm at the Old Shire Offices.
Next Wednesday, 11 October, the Cranbourne U3A will hold demonstrations and stalls at the Cranbourne Salvation Army on 1 New Holland Drive, also as part of the Ageing Positively Festival.
For more information contact Bev Wood on 5995 0339.