Security guards win pay deal

The article that appeared on the front page of the News two weeks ago when a union claimed Centro Cranbourne security guards were being stinted out of a fair pay.The article that appeared on the front page of the News two weeks ago when a union claimed Centro Cranbourne security guards were being stinted out of a fair pay.

By Sarah Schwager
CENTRO Cranbourne security guards have secured a pay rise after their co-workers protested outside the security company’s headquarters.
On 5 April, the News reported security guards employed through AGS-Securecorp were unhappy with a WorkChoices non-union agreement they had been offered.
The Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union approached the press after the company refused to negotiate with their union and the union filed for an urgent Federal Court injunction preventing the shopping centre security company from moving its workers into a new corporate entity on downgraded terms.
The Court heard that guards were told by AGS-Securecorp that they “wouldn’t have a job” unless they signed the new agreement that would reduce pay by up to 13 per cent (or $2.32 an hour) for weekday shifts and slash award conditions like overtime rates, redundancy payments and other allowances.
On Wednesday, 4 April, AGS-Securecorp employees protested demanding that the company sit down and negotiate a union agreement that protected their wages and conditions and provided for fair pay rises.
The 200 AGS-Securecorp security guards, including seven at Centro Cranbourne, last week secured a guaranteed 11 per cent pay rise over three years and their key employment conditions protected in a new collective agreement.
LHMU branch secretary Brian Daley thanked all those involved in the campaign.