School visit closes the generation gap

Below: Tooradin Primary School student Joel Mackie was happy to share his latest creation with grandfather Trevor O’Brien. Above: Jordan Rampton’s grandmother Wilma Verstegen helped him make a masterpiece when she visited on Tuesday. Kelly David showed grBelow: Tooradin Primary School student Joel Mackie was happy to share his latest creation with grandfather Trevor O’Brien. Above: Jordan Rampton’s grandmother Wilma Verstegen helped him make a masterpiece when she visited on Tuesday. Kelly David showed gr

By Alison Noonan
GRANDPARENTS took a trip down memory lane when they paid a visit to Tooradin Primary School on Tuesday.
Students invited their nans and pops to spend an enlightening morning in the classroom as part of celebrations for Literacy and Numeracy Week.
Principal Marge Scarce said the students were excited to participate in activities with their grandparents and enjoy morning tea together.
“The morning was part of sharing with their grandparents what they do in class,” Ms Scarce said.
“The grandparents spent some time participating in activities with them and the students showed them the items they had made the previous day over morning tea.
“This was the only opportunity many of the grandparents have to come down to the school,” she said.