Paint fumes leave Shirley breathless

Cranbourne pensioner Shirley Robinson says the fumes from her neighbour’s constant spray painting are making her sick.Cranbourne pensioner Shirley Robinson says the fumes from her neighbour’s constant spray painting are making her sick.

By Alison Noonan
A CRANBOURNE pensioner believes she is dying a slow death from a neighbour’s spray paint fumes.
Shirley Robinson, a severe asthmatic, says the chemical vapours that constantly waft through her Fairbairn Street house have left her breathless, faint and suffering panic attacks.
She said her neighbour has refused to stop panel beating from his back yard garage, which faces her kitchen and bathroom, even after she informed him of her illness.
“I am allergic to the spray paint fumes,” Mrs Robinson said.
“It blows through my whole house and I can’t breathe. I have even collapsed.
“I get into such a state and I just burst into tears.
“We’ve spoken to him but he just ignores us.
“He originally told us he would stop when I said I was getting sick but he hasn’t,” she said.
Mrs Robinson said her doctor was alarmed at her poor health after she went to him complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath.
“I was constantly hanging on to my chest and getting sicker and sicker, but I didn’t know why,” she said.
“I went to the doctor and he said I was allergic to the fumes. I’ve only got to smell it and that’s enough for me. When the winds are blowing it is just terrible.
“The last time he sprayed he nearly killed me. It nearly finished me right off,” she said.
Mrs Robinson said she also suffered from panic attacks, which she attributed to the stress caused by the situation.
“I get panic attacks and then I can’t go out for weeks and weeks,” she said.
“I can’t even go shopping or go to bingo.
“We can’t even relax in our own home any more. It is ruining mine and my husband’s lives. How can we cope with this at our age?
“Why can’t he just do his spraying somewhere else and not next to houses,” she said.
Mrs Robinson said she had contacted local police and Casey Council, but they were unable to prosecute because of a lack of evidence.
“They say they can’t prove anything because the smell has gone by the time they arrive,” she said.
“The council say they can’t find any evidence that he is doing it and he stops for a week when the health inspectors come.
“Nobody is doing anything and there is nothing I can do.
“But I don’t know how much longer I can take it,” Mrs Robinson said.
Casey manager planning Bob Baggio said the council had undertaken numerous inspections of Mrs Robinson’s neighbour’s property, including after hours inspections, but had been unable to detect any breaches of the planning controls.
“Therefore we have been unable to take any action,” he said.
“This has been an ongoing issue for around 12 months.
“We believe the neighbour works on his own cars and those of relatives and doesn’t appear to be carrying out any business, so there is no breach of the planning controls.
“We have also been unable to detect any issues in relation to fumes from spray painting.
“However, we will continue to carry out inspections from time to time as we receive complaints,” Mr Baggio said.