MP heads back to school

Cranbourne Secondary College principal Yvonne Watts gives Holt MP Anthony Byrne some tips on how to be a successful school leader as part of his recent Principal for a Day visit.Cranbourne Secondary College principal Yvonne Watts gives Holt MP Anthony Byrne some tips on how to be a successful school leader as part of his recent Principal for a Day visit.

HOLT MP Anthony Byrne went from the electoral office to school office when he stepped in to lead Cranbourne Secondary College last week.
Mr Byrne visited the school as part of the statewide Principal for a Day event, which provides an opportunity for community and business leaders to enjoy a firsthand experience of a regular day in a government school.
“It was a great opportunity to be able to spend the entire day at the college speaking to staff and students, as well as experiencing firsthand the daytoday issues that arise in our local schools,” he said.
As part of his adopted role Mr Byrne viewed rehearsals for a school musical performance, attended scheduled staff meetings, met with the Islander Council and school careers counsellors and examined some of the campus youth programs.
He was also given a briefing from school principal Yvonne Watts about the work of a school principal and upcoming school improvement projects.
“I would like to thank Yvonne Watts for the opportunity to spend such an informative day at the school,” Mr Byrne said.
“During these activities I found Yvonne to be passionately committed to the education and welfare of the students at Cranbourne Secondary College.”