Mother’s car park warning after son hit

Cranbourne mother Rachael Woolcock, with daughter Emily, son Zachary and Woodbine Bear, has thanked the passersby who rushed to her aid after her fouryearold son was hit by a car in the car park at Thompson Parkway Shopping Centre.Cranbourne mother Rachael Woolcock, with daughter Emily, son Zachary and Woodbine Bear, has thanked the passersby who rushed to her aid after her fouryearold son was hit by a car in the car park at Thompson Parkway Shopping Centre.

By Alison Noonan
A CRANBOURNE mother has warned drivers to slow down around shopping centre car parks after watching in horror as a car struck her young son.
Rachael Woolcock said she experienced every parent’s worst nightmare when fouryearold Zachary was knocked down in the car park of Thompson Parkway Shopping Centre recently.
Ms Woolcock said it only took a split second as she turned her back while helping her twoyearold daughter Emily out of the car for Zachary to run across the road.
She said although the driver of the car was not speeding, he was unable to stop in time.
“I shudder to think of what the outcome may have been had he been speeding when my son ran out in front of him,” Ms Woolcock said.
“Zachary was standing right beside me as I got my daughter out of the car to go shopping.
“All of a sudden he bolted out in front of me, which he has never done before.
“The driver didn’t have a chance to stop even at a low speed. It all happened so quickly.”
Ms Woolcock said she was horrified as she watched the force of the collision fling her son two metres into the air.
“I can’t even describe the sound of him being hit,” she said.
“It was absolutely terrifying. I was just hysterical.
“I never thought it would happen to me or my children. This is a warning to parents to never underestimate the unpredictability of young children, no matter how well behaved they might be.
“My son had never done anything like this before.
“He has always stood right beside me when I’ve been getting my daughter out of the car,” she said.
Ms Woolcock, who works at the nearby Mobil Service Station, said speeding drivers were a real problem in the Parkway car park and pleaded with motorists to be vigilant, particularly during the busy Christmas months.
“To all of those people who think they can handle their cars and constantly speed around our local streets and shopping centre car parks, you will not be able to avoid a child in the split second that they may decide to run on to the road,” she said.
“I thank God the driver who hit Zachary wasn’t speeding as I honestly believe my family’s world would have been absolutely shattered in the second that it took for this accident to occur.”
Ms Woolcock thanked the passersby who stopped to help Zachary after the incident, including a local doctor and nurse.
“People immediately stopped to help us. Everyone was so lovely,” she said.
“The doctor and nurse just happened to be in the area at the time and reassured me that everything would be alright.
“A man phoned the ambulance and my husband and mother for me and a lady took care of my daughter until my mum arrived.
“I would also like to thank the driver of the car, who was quite shaken by the whole ordeal,” she said.
Ms Woolcock said Zachary suffered severe bruising to his hip and shoulders but was recovering nicely.