In market for play gear

Cranbourne Preschool youngsters Brieanna Bischof, Jacinta Chidgey, Felicity Smart and Will Collins can’t wait for the upcoming market night, which is being held to raise money for new play equipment.Cranbourne Preschool youngsters Brieanna Bischof, Jacinta Chidgey, Felicity Smart and Will Collins can’t wait for the upcoming market night, which is being held to raise money for new play equipment.

CRANBOURNE Preschool is hosting a market night to raise much needed funds for new play equipment.
Organiser Darlene Chidgey said she was hoping for a big night, with about 20 party planning stalls, raffles and door prizes to keep guests entertained.
“I got the idea from a nearby créche and thought we could so something similar as a fundraiser for our school,” she said.
“We have got a range of different party planners coming out to sell their wares and donate items for us to raffle off.
“A lot of organisation has gone into the event so we are hoping it will be a huge success.
“And if it is we will make it an annual event.”
The market night will be held at 6.30pm on Thursday, 1 September at Cranbourne Preschool, South Gippsland Highway, Cranbourne.