Bad spelling a ‘blight’ on Casey

The new Local Casey Business Guide spelt the name of five local suburbs wrong on its front cover.The new Local Casey Business Guide spelt the name of five local suburbs wrong on its front cover.

By Rebecca Fraser
BLIND Blight, Dovton, Fiveaways, Karkaway and Cylde.
Five spelling bungles on the front page of the Local Casey Business Guide left some people redfaced this week, following the recent distribution of 85,000 copies to Casey homes and businesses.
Francien DanielsWebb of Narre Warren North contacted the News after she received her copy, and said she could not believe the spelling errors.
“When I looked at it I noticed the mistakes straight away,” she said. “What is Karkaway and Dovton?
“Even when I went and typed these words into spell check they came up wrong, so surely it should have been picked up by someone.”
The schoolteacher said despite all of the professional developments in the world people needed to go back to basic spelling school.
“How could this be so badly stuffed up,” Ms DanielsWebb said. “Surely it would have come across someone’s eyes before going to print.
“It will make people laugh when they look at it – this is not professional, and it does not look good for Casey.”
Ms DanielsWebb said she felt sorry for some of the smaller towns which had their names spelt incorrectly.
“It (the business guide) is meant to be promoting businesses in Casey but cannot even spell the names of some of the suburbs right,” she said. “Some of these towns must be spitting chips and think that people cannot even spell their town’s name right.
“It is just such a terrible mistake.
“Blind Bight has become the blight on the City of Casey,” she said.
Richard Baker, who manages the Casey Business Guide, said a lot of time had been spent checking the 152 pages inside the guide and they had assumed that the writing on the front cover was also correct.
“We had the inside checked six times,” he said. “But then we realised the day after we printed that some of the spelling was wrong on the cover.
“But as a small business there is no way we would have been able to reprint them again.
“We are sorry and it will not happen again,” Mr Baker said.