Star shines for young champions

RICHMOND star Matthew Richardson helped kids become champions at Windermere in Cranbourne recently.
‘Richo’ got to know a number of kids and workers during the Kids Becoming Champions program on Thursday 26 June.
The Tiger full-forward shared food, played games and spoke about all sorts of life issues, including what he does when he gets angry.
Windermere spokesman Kevin Noonan said Richardson was keen to meet some of the kids in the program and wanted to be a role model for kids who have overcome some tough issues. “Matthew was so good with the kids and he was happy just to hang out and be a big kid himself,” he said.
“He asked the kids questions and signed a footy for everyone.
“These kids are all dealing with serious life issues at a tender age and you could see they were so taken with him.
“I think they were surprised how normal he is and they ended up talking about lots of other issues other than footy,” Mr Noonan said.
Danny Foster, one of the program’s social workers, said meeting Richardson was a great opportunity to put theory to work.
“It’s a chance to put into practice a lot of what we try to teach in terms of treating people with respect and communicating one-to-one,” he said.
“Richo played a team building game with the kids and reinforced how even footy players at his level have to take instruction and listen to the coach when they least feel like it.
“Messages like that can have a big effect on these kids and the way they overcome adversity.”