MP goes online

– Glen Atwell
FLINDERS MP Greg Hunt launched his new website on Tuesday, which he hopes will help his constituents stay in touch with the latest news and activities involving their federal member.
Visitors to the new site can view Mr Hunt’s latest media releases, speeches, opinion pieces and media transcripts.
Selected audio and video clips will also be available.
The site also features electronic versions of the Flinders Community News, Small Business Newsletter and Veterans’ Newsletter, as well as an updated community links section.
New interactive elements will allow users to comment directly on Mr Hunt’s blog and on local issues of concern to them.
A video clip of Mr Hunt’s recent parachute jump at Tooradin also features on the new-look website.
“I encourage residents to use this website as a convenient tool to keep in contact with me and let me know their thoughts and concerns,” Mr Hunt said. “I am always keen to hear from my constituents and hope this new website will make it easier for people to find out where I stand on local and environmental issues.
“I would also encourage all community members to take advantage of the ‘useful links’ section when seeking information on Federal Government, environmental and other local issues,” he said. Mr Hunt’s website can be viewed at