Bags of help

By Glen Atwell
MEMBERS of Cranbourne’s Salvation Army junior youth program are aiming to fill 20 bags with donated non-perishable food at Centro Cranbourne on Friday night, and they need help.
Program coordinator Julie Bendall and an army of young people from the local area will be seeking donations of boxed cereal, noodles, canned food and even lollies.
All the food donated will be given to local support services which will in turn distribute it to struggling families. Ms Bendall urged people to visit Centro Cranbourne on Friday night and donate anything they could go without.
“We’ll be set up near the food court between 5pm and 9pm,” she said.
“If you can spare even one packet of dried noodles, that’s a meal for someone who is struggling.”
The idea to fill 20 bags with donated food was an initiative of the junior youth program, according to Ms Bendall.
“The kids wanted to skip a meal and it snowballed from there,” she said. “Initially we aimed to get 10 bags of donated food but we’ve raised the bar and we’re aiming for 20.”
The Cranbourne Salvation Army junior youth program has been operating for more than 10 years and welcomes new members between grade six and year nine.
The group meets once a week and enjoys a range of activities.
For more information about the food drive or the youth program, contact Ms Bendall on 0400 667 311.