Man on child porn count refused bail

A CRANBOURNE man accused of using the internet to groom an American teenager was denied bail at a committal mention in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Friday.
Troy Belleth, 23, of Cranbourne North, is charged with possessing child pornography, procuring a child for child pornography, using a carriage service to groom a child under 16 and using a carriage service to provide suicide material.
He is also charged with possessing movies and images of child pornography and faces a further charge of using the internet to incite a person to commit or attempt to commit suicide.
Mr Belleth was arrested on 27 March, following a four-month joint investigation involving a Victoria Police internet child exploitation team and sexual crimes squad and the American Federal Bureau of Investivagation.
Mr Belleth is due to reappear in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on18 July.