Students get to the heart of the matter

OVER the last two months, Year 9 students at Cranbourne Secondary College have explored the depths of Melbourne’s CBD.
Last week they took to Centro Cranbourne Shopping Centre to present their research and experiences to locals.
Team leader of the year nine program Erica Sherlock said the students travelled to the city doing interviews and vox pops and taking part in research and group projects.
“They learnt independence, getting around the city and working in teams,” Ms Sherlock said. “It developed their academic skills as well as their confidence and personal skills.”
At the end of the program, the year nines conducted presentations such as documentaries and power point presentations for their peers and families.
“We were really proud of their work so we thought the community should see their work,” Ms Sherlock said.
She said the kids had a great day explaining the project to local shoppers and were surprised at how many people stopped and asked questions.
“The kids had a really good day interacting with people they normally wouldn’t.
“They were a bit scared at first having to answer questions but they did a really good job.
“It was good, we hope to do more of those types of events. It was nice for the community to see the kids in that sort of light.”