Slippery thieves steal snake

By Glen Atwell
A PRIZED Victorian carpet python, a box of chocolates and a jar of jelly frogs. The bizarre list of items stolen from Tooradin’s Moonlit Sanctuary has left manager Michael Johnson without his prized female snake, and both police and Mr Johnson believe the crooks knew exactly what they were looking for.
The Tyabb-Tooradin Road wildlife park was broken into last Thursday night and thieves stole Lizzie, a rare 12-year-old Victorian carpet python, which had been exhibited by the park for eight years.
Mr Johnson said Lizzie was about to begin breeding and was of great value to Moonlit Sanctuary. “I imagine the person, or people that did this knew exactly what was happening in terms of breeding season approaching,” he said. “Our male python, Monty, is kept in the same enclosure, but was not taken, only the breeding female.”
The process to source and purchase anotherfemale Victorian carpet python will take at least two years, according to Mr Johnson. “This particular sub-species is quite rare, we can’t just go and buy one tomorrow, it’s going to take a long time,” he said. “To lose a snake we’ve had for so long is also upsetting.”
Police said the offenders jemmied open a door to gain access to the 10-hectare property. Other items stolen included a quantity of cash, coats, an Akubra hat, an esky and ice creams.
Anyone with information in relation to the incident is urged to contact Cranbourne police on 5991 0661.