Group looks out for ‘the other’ war victims

By Sarah Schwager
PARTNERS of war veterans are the focus in a new program to hit Cranbourne next month.
Pia Trewin, fundraiser and media officer for the Partners of Veterans Association (PVA) Victorian branch, said partners were often overlooked, whether by the government or by local organisations.
Mrs Trewin, the partner and carer of a Vietnam veteran, said the association provided an outlet for women to meet and socialise and also acted as an advocate for their rights.
She said partners of veterans often experienced social isolation and the group aimed to help relieve that.
The PVA includes spouses, widows, de facto partners, carers, and even women whose partners were currently serving overseas.
Mrs Trewin said the group was trying to get better support for young partners in their 20s or 30s, who were often left out of support groups.
“We try to get together in a light-hearted atmosphere to show that there are other women in the same boat,” she said.
An inaugural meeting will be held for residents of Casey and Cardinia on Wednesday, 15 November at the Cranbourne RSL at 10.30am in the Member’s Lounge. Children are welcome.
Mrs Trewin said the group met for classes such as tai chi and also met once a month for a lunch meeting.
“We also work to win rights of the partners,” she said.
One such recent win includes partners now being recognised for a $1000 bonus.
“We believe the outcome of the veteran is better if the partner is looked after.”
Mrs Trewin said the group met to break social and emotional barriers, with the older generations tending to look after the younger ones.
“Women usually go into a relationship expecting some sort of emotional support,” she said.
“But if a partner is physically or mentally scarred then they are the ones who have to give the emotional support, to the partner and to the kids.
“Being a carer of anybody, whether a disabled child or a parent, is a very full-time job. It can isolate you from normal social contact.”
Membership of PVA costs $20 a year with a $10 joining fee.
For more information contact Mrs Trewin on 5968 8879.