Workers reject work reforms

A DELEGATION of National Union of Workers members from the Frankston area is taking concerns about the proposed industrial relations reforms to Federal Parliament.
Representing workers from Inghams in Somerville, Nylex Automotive in Frankston and Nylex Consumer Products in Seaford, the group presented a petition to Dunkley MP Bruce Billson yesterday.
NUW members from all three worksites recently voted to contribute to the ACTU’s national advertising campaign against the reforms and decided to take their concerns to their federal member.
However a NUW spokeswoman said Mr Billson did not meet the workers until three months after their original request.
She said that members felt that a petition was the only remaining way to ensure their voices were heard.
NUW state secretary Martin Pakula said he was not surprised by his members’ strong opposition to the proposed laws.
“In the past three months we have been meeting with members across the state, informing them about the changes and just what they might mean to them and their families, and the response has been overwhelming. Workers are genuinely concerned about these radical new laws and it is about time the Federal Government stood up and took some notice,” he said.