Unreality TV fools thieves

IN the second incident in three days, burglars attempted to steal a plasma television from a display home in Cranbourne, but this time were fooled by the authentic-looking appliance.
On 26 April, thieves stole a plasma television from a Brookland Green display home on Harpendon Terrace, Cranbourne.
On 28 April, offenders again went for the television in a Metricon display home on Satin Street, Cranbourne.
A brick was thrown through one of the windows, as well as the rear french doors, to gain entry.
Police said thieves attempted to remove the television, only then realising that the contraption was, in fact, fake.
The alarm was activated at 5.30pm and the offenders left without taking anything.
Anyone with information about the burglaries should contact Cranbourne CIU on 5995 4577.