State set to pin body piercings on parents

By Sarah Schwager
CASEY Council has applauded the State Government’s decision to ban intimate body piercings for people under the age of 18.
New laws proposed by the Brumby Government and announced on Monday would also require parental consent for non-intimate piercings for people under 16.
The council was celebrating the announcement this week after lobbying the State Government in January to enact legislation similar to that enforced in New South Wales in which under 16s were banned from having their tongues or belly buttons pierced without parental permission.
The issue hit home last week as two Pearcedale men were ordered to stand trial after they were accused of sexually assaulting three teenage girls during body piercing sessions.
The charges related to incidents involving a girl aged 15 and two girls aged 13 during clitoris and nipple piercings at the men’s tattoo shop earlier this year.
Gregory Ford, 52, faces 11 charges including sexual penetration of a child under 16, an indecent act with a child under 16 and assault in indecent circumstances.
Mark Ford, 48, faces seven charges, including sexual penetration of a child under 16, and wilfully committing an indecent act with a child under 16.
Casey councillor Steve Beardon said the state legislation was well and truly overdue.
“This legislation is needed to protect children from inappropriate behaviour, infections, scarring and rash decision-making,” Cr Beardon said.
“It’s a relief that children will be protected and parents involved in the decision-making process.
“I am very pleased to have such a win and to influence state legislation. What a win for Casey Council and residents across the state.”
Mr Hulls said the proposed bill would be put to the community for discussion to help shape the final bill.
“This is an emotive issue and it’s important we get the balance right,” he said.
“Appropriate regulation of the body piercing industry is vital to protect minors from potentially serious health issues.”
The Government will release the Exposure Draft Summary Offences (Body Piercing) Bill 2007 for public consultation later this year.
Intimate body piercings include genital and nipple studs and rings.