Residents tackle shop plan

AN APPLICATION to build a bait and tackle shop on the Warneet foreshore has left residents reeling.
Locals claim they will fight a proposal to develop a new ticket collection booth and small store in the quiet coastal village and have already gathered more than 100 objections.
Warneet Residents Association president Andrew Dolan said there was no need for another bait and tackle outlet in the area as it was already serviced by the local general store.
He said a new development would almost certainly cause the existing store to fold.
“We want to preserve Warneet the way it is and keep new buildings out,” he said.
However, applicant Granger Barnett said fishermen would benefit from the development, with profits from the ticket booth going towards foreshore upgrades.
“I am not here to upset anyone. I have made so many concessions already.
“Fishermen will gain from this store.”
Casey Council will advertise the permit application until 5 December.