Register ‘to party safely’

By Alison Noonan
A SPATE of wild weekend parties has prompted a warning from Cranbourne Police for parents to register their gatherings with PartySafe.
Senior Sergeant Bruce Kitchen said police received a number of complaints in the Cranbourne area on Friday and Saturday nights of youth causing trouble and excessive noise.
He said police attended several parties where alcohol fuelled teens had run riot in the streets, damaging property and disturbing neighbours.
“Police patrols went from one job to another over the weekend,” he said.
“It was surprisingly busy for this time of year. Parties tend to slow down when school starts back up.
“We had one call out where young people had ripped the posts out of a school crossing and thrown them on the road.
“This posed a real danger for passing motorists. Police are investigating the incident,” he said.
Sen Sgt Kitchen said the recent trouble highlighted the need for party holders to enrol in the Victoria Police PartySafe program.
He said the program aimed to minimise the risk of having intoxicated guests or gatecrashers ruining local parties.
“If you register with PartySafe, police can visit the party before it gets out of hand,” Sen Sgt Kitchen said.
“All you have to do is come to the shopfront at least two weeks before the party and fill out a form stating where the party is to be held, how many people are attending and whether alcohol is to be provided.
“Police will then endeavour to visit at least once or twice during the night to prevent trouble.”
Sen Sgt Kitchen said participants would then be provided with a PartySafe information kit, outlining strategies to help make the party safe and enjoyable.
For more information on the PartySafe program pick up a pamphlet from the Cranbourne Police Station at 169 Sladen Street.