Police urge victims to come forward

POLICE have appealed for the victims of an affray in Cranbourne to come forward.
Police said a 16-year-old youth was walking past Red Rooster on High Street when a group of six males yelled out to him.
A verbal altercation occurred and the youth ran off.
He then returned with a PVC pipe and approached the group in the fast food outlet’s carpark and started swinging it at them.
When they backed away the youth again left, went home and returned with a 30-centimetre knife and the pipe.
Police said he app-roached the victims, who were now inside Red Rooster, and pushed a boy up against a wall with the pipe while swinging the knife at him.
The incidents happened between 7.45pm and 8.15pm on Saturday, 27 January.
Police are appealing for the witnesses, who ranged from 13 to 20 years old, to come forward and help identify the offender.
Police have apprehended and charged a 16-year-old Cranbourne youth over several offences, including affray.
Anyone with information can contact Constable Peter Singh at Cranbourne Uniform on 5991 0600.