MP denies harassment claim

CRANBOURNE MP Jude Perera has refuted allegations levelled against him and members of his office by a former employee.
The Australian newspaper last week reported that former staff member Nelum Perera, who is not related to Mr Perera, filed a complaint with the Department of Parliamentary Services relating to sexual harassment she says she suffered while working at the Cranbourne electorate office.
Mr Perera has denied the claims.
“An investigation was conducted by the Department of Parliamentary Services and these claims were found to be without foundation,” he said.
Liberal candidate for Cranbourne Luke Martin weighed in on the issue and said the serious allegations surrounding behaviour at Mr Perera’s office should be addressed immediately.
“The Cranbourne constituents have a right to know what is happening with their elected member. I feel it is in the public interest that Mr Perera comes clean,” Mr Martin said.
Mr Perera responded, saying: “My Liberal opponent, Mr Martin, should spend more time standing up for Cranbourne families and less time playing gutter politics”.
Parliamentary speaker Judy Maddigan, whose department has launched an official investigation into the claims, said the Parliament would not comment on internal staff matters.