Hunt warms to the challenges ahead

FEDERAL Liberal MP Greg Hunt has received a double win after his performance in the recent election scored him a shadow portfolio.
Mr Hunt was last week appointed Opposition spokesman for climate change, environment and urban water.
The portfolio falls in line behind Mr Hunt’s interest in the environment, as he showed during his term for example, rifling knee deep in mud in the Westernport Bay mangroves.
“This new role brings together the great interests of my time in Parliament,” Mr Hunt said.
“Climate change and water security present two of the greatest challenges currently facing this nation and are subjects on which I have spent much time and energy over many years.”
He said climate change had presented the international community with an unprecedented opportunity to work together towards a common goal.
“Rising to meet this global challenge will continue to require vision, inspired leadership, commitment and trust,” Mr Hunt said.
“For Australia, much of which has been in the grip of a crippling drought for several years now, securing our water supply is absolutely fundamental to our continued growth and prosperity.
“Without an adequate and dependable water supply our society will cease to be fully functional.
“I believe it is possible to not only meet these two important challenges but, in the process, continue to grow and prosper as a society.
“I will do all that I can to provide the leadership and vision needed to accomplish this.”