Home time celebrations

By Sarah Schwager
CRANBOURNE U3A held a double celebration last week.
Not only were members celebrating the end of year and Christmas but also the recent announcement that the group can finally move into its new home.
Cranbourne U3A president Bev Wood said the group, which has been operating for two and a half years, received advice from Casey Council that it could shift into the back of the Cranbourne Library in mid-January next year, meaning it could start its 2008 year in its own home.
The first get together for members will be held on 1 February.
To date, programs have been run at the drafty Devon Meadows Scout Hall, Devon Meadows Community Hall, the Cranbourne Old Shire Offices and even at Mrs Wood’s house.
Mrs Wood said she hoped the new location would encourage new members, many who had dropped out because of the cold and the distance.
“We also hope to add a number of new activities now we are based in the one place, as it is in a more convenient location and easily accessible,” she said.
Mrs Wood said she was also pleased to announce that members of the Living Life Seniors Radio Program on 97.7FM, broadcast every Monday from 11am to 2pm, would be joining the U3A, and together would be promoting activities for seniors.
Both are situated in the same area of the Library building.
For more information on the U3A, contact Bev Wood on 5995 0339 or 0418 99 88 99, or come along to the new premises on weekdays from 1 February between 9.30am and 3.30pm.