Hampton Park

CHRISTMAS lunch at the club is on 15 December and members are asked to be seated by noon.
We wish all members a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
The door prize went to Pat Finnerty and raffles to Denise Carber and Joe Finnerty.
A reminder the club closes on 17 December and reopens on 9 January.
Inquiries to 9799 2588.


TUESDAY 13 December is the club’s break up party and it commences at 12.30pm.
Ladies are asked to bring a plate and members are reminded to bring their $5 gift for a man or lady.
Father Christmas will be handing these out.
The club has a sausage sizzle on 24 January 2006 starting at noon.
The Hallam Hotel is booked for lunch at noon on Tuesday, 7 February.
The club’s last committee meeting for the year is on Monday, 12 December at 10.30am.
The club will reopen for bingo on Monday, 9 January.
Get well wishes are sent to all sick members.