Fantasy world of learning

THE wildest fantasies of students at Devon Meadows Primary School have come alive.
The library has been transformed into scenes of make believe, housing dragons, princes and princesses, fairies, goblins and unicorns.
The displays are part of a program to entice students into the library and librarian Penny Crawford said the kids’ were breaking down the doors to get in.
“Every term we select a scene to highlight a different genre of books and spark the kids interest in reading,” Ms Crawford said.
“This term we chose a fantasy theme and they love it.
“They have been fighting to get through the doors,” she said.
Ms Crawford said students became involved in the program by bringing items in to add to the displays.
“It’s a snowball effect. Everyone brings in something from home to add to the theme.
“The best thing is that among all the excitement they don’t realise they are actually learning something.
“Anything to get them coming in to the library and reading books,” she said.