End result turns out a mixed bag

By Sarah Schwager
IT WAS a big day for Cranbourne’s Year 12s on Monday as the culmination of the last year came to fruition for some and disappointment for others.
Cranbourne Secondary College’s Erin Doherty was celebrating after he received a 95.8 ENTER mark and was named the dux of the school.
Along with the title he was also awarded a HECS free scholarship to Monash University’s Berwick campus and hopes to study Engineering.
Principal Yvonne Watts said she was pleased with the results, with more than 10 per cent of VCE students achieving a score over 80.
She said the lower range of students did more poorly that those from last year but they had a similar amount in the 70 and above ENTER mark.
“I think this group surprised us with how well they’ve done,” Ms Watts said.
She said the school had also broken the trend of females scoring better across the state with the school having male duxes for the last three or four years.
At Lyndhurst Secondary College, principal Steve Phillips said the school followed the statewide trend of scores being slightly down on last year.
However he said the lower end of students had done much better.
“More and more kids are doing VCAL and VET subjects every year,” Mr Phillips said.
“The real proof of the pudding comes when the offers are made, that is, further training or apprenticeships.”
The school’s dux Lisa Twite was presented with her title at an awards night on Monday.
Lisa was rapt with her performance this year – she achieved a score of 90 for her ENTER mark.