Casey Gift joins circuit

By Marc McGowan
CASEY Fields has added another sporting event to its repertoire with the Casey Gift set to grace the ground on February 23 next year.
“We are hoping it will become one of the noted metropolitan athletics tracks in Victoria,” Casey Scorpions general manager Brian Woodman said.
The ground has been registered with the Victorian Athletics League and will join the organisation’s prestigious gift circuit, although each meet is a single entity.
“In future years we will be holding it on a Sunday, but we just wanted to run it on a smaller scale first off to see how it goes,” Woodman said.
Woodman expects up to 400 athletes will be involved in the meet, with races ranging from the 120-metre gift, which will be the main event, to the 1600-metre gift.
The 120-metre gift will offer $3000 for the winner, and the meet will offer over $5000 in total prize money.