Casey gets the budget picture

CASEY’S community leaders were last week briefed on the new council budget.
More than 30 leaders from local schools, businesses, committees of management and organisations attended the City of Casey’s 2006-07 budget information session hosted by Casey mayor Kevin Bradford.
Cr Bradford said it was important that representatives of community agencies and local clubs heard about significant projects and services planned for the next financial year so they, in turn, could inform their committees and members.
Don Metcalfe, representing the Cranbourne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said he found the information session to be “frank and informative”.
“The good representation of senior council officers meant that a broad range of answers could be provided to the representatives of the community and business groups present,” Mr Metcalfe said.
Cr Bradford said $1.32 million had been included as part of the council’s grants and contributions programs to assist community groups and charities to deliver their vital services to residents.
“I am particularly pleased to announce that council will appoint a grants officer to assist community groups and council to make applications for federal and state grants which will further assist these groups to deliver their services and run events for the benefit of the community,” Cr Bradford said.
Cr Bradford is available to speak to groups and clubs in the community on the 2006-07 budget. For bookings contact Peta-Jane Saly, phone 9705 5200.