Working in harmony

By Melissa Meehan
AN ARIA-themed award ceremony recognised the time and hard work that Cranbourne Secondary College students Natalia River, Wesley Noah and Francis Iauluolo spent while producing a CD for the school’s first entry to the Kool Skool Competition.
The trio was called on to the stage to receive awards for Best Acoustic Song and Best R ‘n’ B Song featured on the CD produced by students at Cranbourne Secondary College.
The Kool Skool competition offers 80 secondary college students and youth groups from Victoria and New South Wales the opportunity to take part in a Recording and Multimedia project, to work in a professional recording studio and to record an album of original music.
As part of the competition Victorian schools recorded their albums between May and August this year, Cranbourne Secondary College having their turn over two days at the beginning of May.
The CD, titled Nothing’s More Expensive Than a Missed Opportunity, features Natalia’s award-winning acoustic song Side by Side and The Young Disciples award-winning R ‘n’ B song Love is Pain, and can be bought from the school for $10. Contact Lyn Lui on 5996 3544.