Students learn the business

By Sarah Schwager
TWO Cranbourne students took part in the ultimate reality game introducing them to the world of business.
Year 11 students Emily Ambrus and Lisa Blake from Lyndhurst Secondary College were chosen from schools across the state to go to Deakin University in Burwood for a special scenario game that put them in the driver’s seat.
They worked through financial strategies, workshops and tasks to market products and covered topics including architecture and building, engineering, information systems and marketing, and law.
About 25 students took part in the game, called The Firm at Deakin, run by university lecturers and with each group led by a student mentor.
The girls, both 16, were chosen by their business and accounting teacher Ron Craven to participate in the event.
While only one student from each school was allowed, Lyndhurst was lucky enough to have two students accepted.
Emily said it was great to meet people from all different schools and to have a look at the university and ask questions of those who went there.
“We were given a good insight into the uni if we decided we wanted to go to uni there,” she said.
She said she planned to go to university after she finished school and wants to study business, such as marketing and sales.
“I have no choice, mum and dad will force me,” Emily said.
Lisa said she found the day really interesting.
“We did a cars project. We spent the whole day on it in different sessions,” she said.
She already planned to go to uni and wants to study business.
Teacher Tania Shannon said the girls had gained a lot from the experience, especially Emily who she said had a much more positive opinion about university now and because Deakin was quite far away she was now looking at closer universities as well.