Move to stamp out smoking

YOUNG smokers in Casey will be encouraged to butt out following the launch of new tobacco guidelines.
Mayor Kevin Bradford launched Tobacco Guidelines for Youth Workers and Youth Services Managers in an effort to reduce the prevalence of tobacco use among young people in Casey.
“While many young people may think smoking tobacco is the least of the problems they face, sadly, the addiction can turn into the most serious threat to their health in the years ahead,” Cr Bradford said.
“These guidelines are intended to help youth workers and youth services managers extend their skills, knowledge and practice when dealing with the tobacco issues of the young people they support.”
Cr Bradford commended the efforts of the Casey Tobacco Working Group, which comprises representatives of the City of Casey and its partners Cardinia-Casey Community Health Service, South East Alcohol and Drug Services, Quit Victoria and Dandenong District Division of General Practice, for developing the guidelines.
“We hope that in the future young people can count as one of their significant achievements that they have resisted becoming a dependent smoker,” Cr Bradford said.
About 50 local youth workers and service providers attended the launch, the first of its kind in Casey, to learn more about the latest techniques and how to adopt the guidelines in their work.
By using these guidelines, it is hoped youth workers will be able to:
• Prevent or delay a young person from taking up smoking;
• Help prevent a young person who is experimenting with tobacco to not progress to being a dependent smoker;
• Better assist a young person who smokes to reduce, or quit smoking; and
• Create and support smoke free environments and policy that enhance young people’s health and wellbeing.
For more information on the Tobacco Guidelines for Youth Workers and Youth Services Managers contact City of Casey Health Promotion project officer Megan Grant on 9705 5200.