Make a wish come true

GRANT a wish for someone less fortunate this Christmas.
Give a gift to the Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal in support of Australia’s largest Christmas gift appeal.
The appeal has distributed more than 2.95 million donations to people in need in the last 17 years and this year hopes to collect more than 450,000 gifts across the country.
The Wishing Tree supports some of Australia’s largest welfare organisations, including The Salvation Army, The Smith Family, The Brotherhood of St Laurence and Charity Link.
Local school students, police, The Salvation Army, Cranbourne, and Casey mayor Neil Lucas attended the official Wishing Tree Appeal launch at Kmart, Cranbourne, on Tuesday.
Kmart spokesperson Kathy Dobell said the store aimed to collect more than 1,800 gifts from 15 November to Christmas eve.
To participate in the appeal simply place a gift under the Christmas Wishing Tree located in any Kmart store.
Take a gift tag from the tree that identifies the appropriate age and gender of a suitable recipient and place it with your gift.
The welfare groups collect the donated gifts each week from Kmart stores and distribute them in the same region they were donated.
Gifts do not need to be bought from Kmart. The stores act as facilitators for the welfare groups.
For more information visit