Hoon fears gather drive

RESIDENTS of Dartmoor Drive in Cranbourne are at their wit’s end over hoon drivers ‘roaring’ down the busy street.
Frustrated locals have called for Casey Council to ‘speed-proof’ the road following a string of car crashes over the past six months.
Balla Balla Ward councillor Colin Butler told last week’s council meeting residents were concerned for their safety following cars crashing through front fences and nature strips.
“Residents have complained of trucks, utes and cars crashing through their front fences due to drivers speeding through the intersection,” he said. “They fear someone will roar through and end up in a house if council doesn’t do something soon.
“We need to look at what we can do to allay their fears and get these drivers to slow down.”
Mayfield Ward councillor Kevin Bradford said many young families frequented the new playground on Dartmore Drive, and he feared a child could be knocked down if a motorist was to veer off the road. A report will come back to the new council by next month on possible speed calming devices to be installed on Dartmoor Drive.