H2O formula for success

KILBERRY Valley Primary School’s junior students have trumped their senior classmates and helped the environment by saving water.
An innovative water-saving program was introduced in term one this year in which grade one and two students used buckets to collect the unused precious fluid from the school’s drinking tap areas.
Each week they managed to save between 1500 and 3000 litres, depending on if it had been a hot or cool week.
Collected water was then used on nearby gardens.
Two grades each week were in charge of collecting and measuring the unused water throughout the day.
At the end of the day the total amount of water saved each day was announced to the whole school.
A weekly total was then recorded in the weekly school newsletter.
Students also practised their maths by measuring and tallying the amount of water collected.
Results were then graphed and analysed by students with their teacher as a whole class focus.