Devon Meadows loses a patriarch

DEVON Meadows Football Club icon Ted Flanigan passed away surrounded by his family last Saturday.
The 77-year-old was the patriarch of one of Glover Reserve’s most influential families.
He was involved at the football club since its inauguration in 1977 and was a key figure in its progress over the last 30 years.
In 2000, Ted survived three cardiac arrests while serving the faithful at training night. Despite ending up in hospital on life support, Ted was soon back serving behind the bar which was named in his honour two years later.
His determination, together with the support and care of wife Adele and his family, saw him fight his way back to health.
The Flanigan name is sure to live on, with son Rob almost as experienced as his father having played in the early days and serving as president for many years. He remains president of the Devon Meadows Recreation Reserve.
Ted made a lot of good friends through his football involvement, and the Devon Meadows Football Club will forever be grateful for his tireless work, commitment and passion for the club.
Despite Ted’s passing, his name will never be forgotten around the Devon Meadows Football Club.