Town facelift

By Alison Noonan
CRANBOURNE town centre is set to undergo a multimillion dollar redevelopment.
Tipped to herald a new era in the area’s development, the improved Cranbourne Town Centre Structure Plan set tongues wagging when it was revealed at Tuesday night’s council meeting.
The updated plan is aimed at revitalising the existing town centre to create a modern and vibrant activity hub, in line with the Casey Activity Centre proposed at Narre Warren.
The future of the town will be shaped around a visually improved High Street, the expansion of Centro Cranbourne shopping centre and a new retail core, the construction of a new entertainment and tourist precinct, the creation of new streets, the development of the Cranbourne East Rail Station and increased housing.
Lyall Street will be developed as a boulevard connecting the retail precinct in the west and major development in the east and reorienting the heart of the town centre toward the proposed Cranbourne East Station.
Mayfield Ward councillor Kevin Bradford said the structure plan was important for Cranbourne and a giant step forward in improving the facilities in the Cranbourne CBD.
“It has taken a lot of effort to get to this stage and it will take a lot more work and money from council over the years to implement it.
“This will rejuvenate and renovate the whole Cranbourne area and bring Cranbourne into line with the new development proposed at Fountain Gate.
“It is an extremely exciting time for Cranbourne,” he said.
However, he said the vision for a new Cranbourne was largely dependent on the removal of large trucks from High Street through the construction of the Cranbourne Bypass.
“It is so important that the bypass goes ahead.
“We want to reduce the number of lanes in High Street, widen footpaths and create a more latte style setting like Berwick’s High Street.
“But if we are to successfully redevelop High Street into a completely different amenity environment it is imperative we get the heavy trucks out,” he said.
He said that any talk of splitting Casey into two separate municipalities before the implementation of the structure plan would bankrupt Cranbourne.
“This is why any talk of splitting the city now is so economically unsound.
“It would be unwise to talk about a split now with such an incredibly large project coming up,” he said.
Strathard Ward councillor Lorraine Wreford agreed, claiming the new structure plan would be fantastic for Cranbourne.
“I hope the community appreciates what’s going to happen here.
“It will mean a change in the main street of Cranbourne and dealing with traffic issues,” she said.
Springfield Ward councillor Ben Clissold encouraged residents to look at the structure plan and become involved in its preparation.
“This is a chance for residents to have a say and make sure council get it right,” he said.
The draft structure plan will be placed on community exhibition for two months and can be viewed by visiting .au.