Study tour opens MPs’ doors

THIS year’s Australia Day Study Tour recipients have finished up their tour of state, federal and local government.
The 10 Casey students reported back to council on some of their most memorable moments of the tour, including meeting Prime Minister John Howard and Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd in their trip to Canberra and being part of footage on an episode of 60 Minutes.
Casey mayor Colin Butler said he was very impressed by the learning shared by the young people.
“The Australia Day Study Tour presents an exciting opportunity for a nominated group of young people to observe the Australian political system at the local, state and federal levels,” Cr Butler said.
“This year’s group was very fortunate to meet some of the personalities that shape our current political climate, such as the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader as well as our local MPs and councillors.”
He said it was a credit to the country’s key leaders and local MPs, including Federal MPs Jason Wood, Anthony Byrne and Greg Hunt, that they made themselves available to provide personal insights into the world of politics.
Cr Butler encouraged the students to continue their interest in politics and make a difference in the community.
“An interest in politics generally stems from an interest towards making the world a better place,” Cr Butler said.
“I hope you will explore opportunities in your schools, workplaces, communities and other realms to advocate what you believe in and make a difference for others.”