Residents welcome footpath

A NEW footpath has bridged the isolation gap between residents in Cranbourne’s The Avenues Estate and the town centre.
Locals have been walking all the way to High Street since Casey Council built a concrete path from the service road on Berwick-Cranbourne Road to the roundabout as well as a second connection from Jagger Circuit.
Jean Perry said the new footpath was a blessing after months of campaigning for safe pedestrian access into town.
Mrs Perry said residents felt marooned and neglected as they battled through long grass and uneven ground to walk to shops and schools.
“We used to have to cross through overgrown grass which is dangerous in summer and it was almost impossible to push a pram through.
“The ground was very rocky and unsafe for those who are wobbly on their legs, not to mention the mud and puddles in winter,” she said.
Mrs Perry said many residents had enjoyed safe passage into town since the path was constructed just before Christmas and thanked the council for its speed in addressing the situation.
“It is just lovely now. Loads of people are using the paths.
“It is much safer and looks a lot better.
“We’re all very happy and very appreciative to the City of Casey Council,” she said.