Playgrounds for adults likely

By Sarah Schwager
PLAYGROUNDS aren’t just for kids – they’re for adults, too.
That was the consensus at Casey Council last week after councillors decided to look into setting up playgrounds for adults and senior citizens in the municipality.
The so-called playgrounds would include features such as a giant chessboard, padded badminton courts, card playing areas and special walking tracks.
The idea was raised by Councillor Lorraine Wreford after she discovered Finland was experimenting with the adult playgrounds.
The notice of motion raised a few eyebrows around the council table about what exactly an ‘adult playground’ may consist of but councillors agreed it was a good idea after hearing Cr Wreford’s suggestions.
Cr Wreford said the focus of the playgrounds would be on Casey’s older residents.
“In Casey we have the highest population in the older age group. This is an area that we need to look at. We’ll all be there one day too,” she said.
She said the idea had been raised at an Ageing Positively Casey working group meeting.
“It’s a really, really good idea. We want to be a leading council. As far as I know there is nowhere else in Victoria that has looked at this idea.”
Councillor Wayne Smith supported the idea and said that he had always argued playgrounds were not just for kids.
“Also, we need to address what we are doing for teenagers. Kids don’t stop playing when they leave primary school. Teens are possibly a forgotten part of the community,” he said.
Council officers will now look into existing models of adult playgrounds and possible applications within the city with a report to come back in June.