Not a load of rubbish

CRANBOURNE South Primary School held a completely rubbish-free lunch day on Tuesday.
Students brought their lunch free from plastic wrappers to help save the environment.
The day was part of the Rubbish Free Lunch Challenge, a joint initiative of Sustainability Victoria and the Department of Education and Training.
Anthony Dimo, who coordinated the day, said many students brought their lunches in containers and ate foods such as salads.
He said students also brought a variety of fruits and vegetable sticks to replace snacks containing wrappers such as chips and biscuits.
The challenge aims to encourage schools to enhance student understanding on how daily activities impact on the environment and to teach them the small steps everyone can take to reduce this impact.
Mr Dimo said teachers at Cranbourne South Primary School had spent the past week promoting the day and talking about how rubbish impacted not only the school but on the whole environment.
Students also completed a number of activities such as rubbish-free posters and pie graphs comparing an average day’s rubbish waste to the rubbish-free lunch waste.
Victorian schools produce an average of 33 tonnes of rubbish a year, with a major source of rubbish and litter the school canteen and processed food packaging.