New committee, new start for centre

By Alison Noonan
THE Blind Bight Community Centre has started the new year afresh after the committee of management underwent a complete overhaul last week.
The new committee said it was looking forward to making exciting changes at the small coastal village facility following the appointment of a 12-member board at its annual general meeting.
More than 100 locals packed the community centre’s AGM on Thursday evening to volunteer for positions.
The new committee will take the reins from the previous four-member committee, which had run the centre for the past five years.
Wayne Finch has taken over from Marlene Westwood-Derman as president, Bob O’Connell is the new vice-president, Mary Crynes has come on as treasurer and Jennifer Finch is secretary.
A new coordinator is yet to be appointed after Sonja Bertram recently resigned from the position.
Mr O’Connell said only two original committee members remained after the overhaul, and the committee was looking forward to a new beginning at the under-utilised centre.
“We have a new committee that has the interests of the coastal villages in mind,” he said.
“All the current programs will continue, we will still be receiving a community bus and we are hoping to add some new courses to our list.”
Committee member Sandra Meredith said she hoped to “pep up” the centre and make it a popular facility for the entire coastal village community.
“We hope to get the centre used more and make people fully aware of our services,” she said.
“It’s all pretty exciting.”
The new committee of management met for its first meeting last night (Wednesday).