A year’s hard work passes the screen test

By Sarah Schwager
THE red carpet came to Cranbourne on Tuesday night.
The 19th annual Cranbourne Film Festival, a collaboration of works by Cranbourne Secondary College Year 12 students, premiered at the Cranbourne Community Theatre.
The 13 films shown to the public on the night were part of the media studies students’ school-assessed task (SAT) and were the accumulation of a year’s hard work.
Media Studies teacher George Massouras said the student films ranged from dramas to comedies to documentaries and were of a very high quality.
“They were all produced by the kids in the class, and they each produced, directed and edited their own shows,” Mr Massouras said.
They wrote the scripts in the first half of the year, then they helped each other out during the year with acting, filming, lighting and so on.
Mr Massouras said the students were very nervous about finally putting their hard work onto the big screen and hoped the audience enjoyed the films.
He said some of the VCE students had enjoyed the experience so much that they were now applying to do filmmaking courses at university.
The task was worth 35 per cent of the final score for the subject.
Mr Massouras will select the Film of the Year from the films shown, with an awards ceremony to be held later in the year, and the winning student receiving a camera or similar from sponsor Ricoh.