A quick stop’s a good shop

SHOPPERS will benefit from a change in parking restrictions in Cranbourne’s busy High Street.
Casey Council is seeking to change some shortterm parks at the top of High Street to 15minute spaces following calls from local traders to increase parking.
Traders say the opening of the Cranbourne Fruit Market and the temporary relocation of the Cranbourne Police Station has increased the amount of traffic in the area, with the parking inadequate to meet the high demand.
Superclean Drycleaners owners Lance Beckwith told the News in June many customers simply drove on if they were unable to find a park outside his shop.
He claimed the lack of parking at the top end of High Street was having a marked effect on his business, which was basically a “drop off and pick up” shop.
“We have been wanting this for ages,” he told the News this week.
“It is so badly needed here, not just for me but many topend traders.
“My customers just pull up out the front and drop things off and if they can’t find a quick park they just keep moving.
“The sooner this is implemented the better,” Mr Beckwith said.
Mayfield Ward councillor Kevin Bradford said he was pleased with the council’s decision to install some quarterhour parking in High Street.
“However, I am disappointed that the area behind the Cranbourne Fruit Market will remain unrestricted as it is already at capacity,” he said.
“I am confident that the construction of the new Aldi supermarket in Cranbourne will alleviate some of the parking problems in that area.”