‘Sack council’

By Cam Scott
NO sooner had the Bracks Government stepped in to dismantle the Glen Eira City Council last week than Casey Council watchers had petition papers drawn calling for the heads of their local councillors.
Founder of the Endeavour Hills Community Watchdog and avid council watcher Paul Richardson said he and the other 400odd residents who had so far signed the petition were sick of the council’s reckless spending and travelling.
Berwick resident Lynn Brown said he was of the opinion that all councils should be run by a carefully elected chief executive officer rather than “elected amateurs who are doing a terrible job”.
“I’m unhappy at how much money council spends on things other than specific ratepayer activities,” he said.
“My perception is that councils by and large spend far too much of their rate revenue on nonratepayer works.
“Their main function is to look after the ratepayers and not feather their own nests with beautiful offices and elaborate perks and travel and things like that.”
City of Whitehorse mayor George Droutsas has also supported the calls for Casey Council’s sacking.
“If you’re the Minister (for Local Government) and you’re looking for impropriety and a total lack of leadership, you can’t look past Casey,” he said.
“Casey is renowned as the worst council in the local government sector.
“Everybody laughs about them.”
Casey mayor Neil Lucas defended his council this week, saying it was not dysfunctional and did not suffer from unruly behaviour or disruptive conduct.
“The one per cent of council’s activity that goes on in the council chamber and in the local media should never become more important than the other 99 per cent of council activity which is very successfully and effectively being undertaken,” he said.
“It’s business as usual at the council. It’s not unusual in a city of 220,000 people for there to be a small group of activists who enjoy enhancing their public profile through the media.”
Cr Lucas remained steadfast in his belief that the council was still serving its residents’ best interests and was well managed by “an excellent CEO and a devoted and dedicated staff team”.
Contrary to this, Mr Richardson said personality and political clashes had at times left him “flabbergasted” at some of the disrespectful behaviour he had witnessed in council.
“If for some particular reason they don’t get sacked, my hope is that this council is totally embarrassed across the whole City of Casey and at least all the ratepayers will know about the activities and actions of these local councillors,” he said.
In recent weeks Casey councillors have accused each other of politically influenced actions and decisions, sexist attitudes and a lack of team mentality.
Four Oaks Ward councillor Roland Abraham as recently as last week described council as a fractured unit. Cr Abraham has been the subject of one court case already this year and is again under investigation after several of his fellow councillors requested a police investigation into his council email activities.
Myuna Ward councillor Brian Oates and deputy mayor Rob Wilson have also had their own concerns, with both councillors having fought off claims of religious vilification during the current council term.