More space for cars at Cranbourne station

By Melissa Meehan
UPGRADES at Cranbourne Station’s Park and Ride facility were completed this week, adding a further 90 spaces to the station’s car park.
The upgrades, which bring the total number of parking spaces to 292, are part of the State Government’s Meeting Our Transport Challenges action plan.
In May last year the Government committed $90 million to the action plan, providing additional car parking at metropolitan railway stations. Acting Minister for Public Transport Tim Pallas said the upgrade to Cranbourne station was just the beginning, with funding set to provide an additional 5000 car spaces across Melbourne over the next 10 years.
“This car parking is free of charge and close to railway stations so people can park their cars, board a train, tram or bus and travel into the city or across to other suburbs,” Mr Pallas said.
Cranbourne MP Jude Perera welcomed the additional car parks and the upgrade to Cranbourne station.
“The upgrade to both the car parking facilities at Cranbourne recognise the needs of the growing Cranbourne community and will help relieve parking pressure at the station,” Mr Perera said.
While Casey councillor Steve Beardon doesn’t believe the new spaces will have a major effect, he said the upgrades were a positive move forwards for Cranbourne’s transport users.
“Although I believe that any infrastructure in our area is a bonus, I don’t think that 90 extra spaces will be enough for the growing number of the population who use public transport,” he said.
Cr Beardon said demand for public transport in Cranbourne was continually rising.
“Merinda Park is already at capacity, and Cranbourne is regularly filled,” he said. “I appreciate the changes and attempt to find a solution for public transport users, but it seems like we’re always one step behind.”
Cr Beardon said he would like to see all three levels of government working together on infrastructure before focusing on new housing and suburbs.
The Park and Ride facility is the first stage of the State Government’s Cranbourne station upgrades.
Work is due to begin next year on new housing for six trains, improvements to passenger facilities, security and disability access, and upgrades to the bus interchange.