Facility attracts wrong sort

– Rebecca Fraser
A NEW fence will be installed at a Cranbourne BMX track to stop trail bike riders and Four Wheel Drives invading the new facility.
Councillor Steve Beardon called for fencing to be erected urgently around the Brookland Green BMX track at the 4 April council meeting.
Since the BMX track opened, cars and motorcycles have been reported accessing the reserve and BMX facility, posing a safety risk to young people using the track.
This week councillors voted to spend $9500 on a fence around the new track in a bid to lock out dirt bikes and other vehicles.
The 200 metre long fence will send a clear message that only pedestrians and bicycles are welcome on the track.
At Tuesday’s council meeting, Cr Beardon called for the matter to be deferred as residents had also raised concerns about the height of the track’s mounds.
However, he then changed his mind and councillors instead resolved to push forward with the matter and approve the funding for the fence.
A meeting will also be organised between council officers and the Brooklands Greens Resident Association to discuss any issues concerning the track including the height of the BMX mounds.