Build station, MP urges

By Shaun Inguanzo
BEGIN building the Lynbrook Railway Station before it is too late.
That’s the word from State Upper House representative for the South Eastern Metropolitan Region, Inga Peulich, who fears Hampton Park residents will be without sufficient public transport to meet expected growth for anywhere up to nine years.
The Liberal Party’s Ms Peulich said that the State Government had promised a new rail station at every election since 1999 but had so far failed to deliver.
She said she was appalled to hear the State Government had earmarked the Lyndhurst station for as late as 2016.
“The State Government has promised another railway station on the Cranbourne line at every election since 1999, but their promises have not been worth the paper they were written on,” Ms Peulich said.
“Cranbourne East was promised by the Bracks Government but they have now scrapped that idea. Lynbrook Railway Station is in a very similar position, and I fear for the Lynbrook, Lynbrook Heights and Hampton Park residents that it may head down the same track.”
“As a local Member of Parliament I want to hear the State Government stop saying they will look into projects and actually start building them.”
Ms Peulich has started a petition for residents to sign to pressure the State Government into building the new station before 2010.
For a copy of the petition visit, or call her on 9772 1366.