Beardon pushes for 40km/h limit

By Sarah Schwager
A CASEY councillor has launched a new slogan “Life begins at 40 – Speed kills” in a bid to lower Casey’s speed limits.
Councillor Steve Beardon is pushing to have speed limits slowed from 60 kilometres per hour to 40km/h through High Street in Cranbourne and from 50km/h to 40km/h in Casey’s residential streets.
The push follows Casey Council’s decision last week to lobby VicRoads to reduce speed limits on all unsealed roads in Tooradin, at the approaches to Cranbourne and in some residential areas.
Cr Beardon recently wrote to State Roads Minister Tim Pallas seeking his support on his bid to lower speed limits.
“This will need considerable consultation and may be the beginning of a long campaign but the success interstate in reducing hoons is the catalyst to look for its introduction here,” he said.
“And it needs to be trialed as soon as possible in Cranbourne.
“I’m sure success in Cranbourne would see other municipalities look to Casey as a leader in road safety, and it could be introduced state-wide.”
Mayor Colin Butler said while something certainly needed to be done to stop speeding motorists in some areas of Casey, he would not support a speed reduction through the main street of Cranbourne.
He said at last week’s council meeting, a review of the Local Traffic Management (LTM) Prioritisation Strategy identified close to 200 roads in Casey that needed speed treatments.
“We’ve got to look at something else. Reducing speed is the best option.”
VicRoads Metro South East regional manager Steve Brown said the default speed limits in Victoria were 50km/h in built up areas and 100km/h for rural areas.
“Currently, electronic 40km/h speed limits are being trialed at some urban strip shopping centres, and 40km/h speed limits are provided on roads that qualify for a school speed zone,” Mr Brown said.
“Only in exceptional circumstances, such as where there are physical constraints to the road geometry or demonstrated safety problems, would a 40km/h speed limit be considered at individual locations.”