Award shines on lights

By Alison Noonan
FROM an elderly couple bringing festive cheer to their neighbourhood to a mother lighting up her home for her young daughter, the Christmas spirit is alive and well in Cranbourne.
For 12 years hundreds of visitors have flocked to Monahans Road to view Keith and Joan Dickson’s speculator Christmas light display.
The property has become one of the area’s star attractions during the festive season, and has drawn crowds from all over the country with its animated toys, electric train set and magic shows.
Keith was this week thrilled to be named the winner of the Mayfield Christmas Lights competition for the second year in a row, snaring a welcome $250 for his enormous electricity bill.
“We lit up the tree in our front yard about 12 years ago and the display gradually grew from there,” he said.
“I start setting up in October and we provide entertainment for the whole week leading up to Christmas.
“We usually have about 150 visitors every night. We put it on mainly for the Cranbourne locals, but we have people come from all over.
“Kids and grown ups alike just love it.”
Mr Dickson said this year’s collection box set up in the front yard for the Cranbourne CFA had already raised $160.
“Each year we take up a collection for a local charity.
“We chose the Cranbourne CFA this year because they always bring Santa when they come to visit and the kids think it’s great,” he said.
Casey mayor Kevin Bradford and Mayfield Ward councillor Steve Beardon searched the streets of Cranbourne on Monday night in search of the three best light displays.
Barry and Pat Mentha of Brookland Greens Boulevard, Cranbourne, finished second and Kelly Coppick of Paterson Drive in Lynbrook came in third.
Mrs Coppick said she had set up her Christmas wonderland to make the festive season a little brighter for her three-year-old daughter who was missing her ill father in hospital.
“My husband has been in and out of hospital for four years with an infection on the valve of his heart.
“He will be in hospital on Christmas Day so I set up the lights to bring a bit of festive cheer to the house at a difficult time,” she said.
Cr Bradford praised the efforts of Cranbourne residents who took the time to bring Christmas spirit to their neighbourhoods.
“It’s good to see residents forget about the strains and stresses of the year and think about the good issues at Christmas,” he said.